A piece of red cloth by Leonie Norrington and Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs and others

Based on Yolngu oral history, this is a story from Arnhem land, at the time of the Macassan trepang traders from Indonesia, a mostly peaceful interaction, long before the arrival of Captain Cook. Written as a collaboration between author Leonie Norrington and proud Yolngu women, it is a fictional story based on the true story of a girl who was kidnapped by a Macassan captain. The girl’s family stopped the wind and rescued her, killed the abductors, burnt the ship, and refused Macassan access to that Country thereafter.
Readers enter a world rich in knowledge of Country and seasons, traditional hunting for turtle and gathering oysters and yams, and ceremonial customs. There are strict protocols regarding interactions within family, and between moieties and clans and visiting outsiders. There are procedures to be followed based on respect for each other. The Muslim Macassan traders have learned these protocols; they know the right way to meet.
That is, until the trade comes under the control of Dutch merchants, and a new cohort of traders introduce alcohol and opium, and seek sexual access to the young Yolngu women, girls and boys. In this story, it is Zayd, an unscrupulous captain who keeps slaves, drives his crew to disregard traditional procedures, and encourages the abuse of workers in the name of profit. He schemes to abduct Yolngu girls as sex slaves. However, he underestimates the power of the elder wise women who make plans to secure the safety of their granddaughters.
There are mystical elements to this story, we learn how the Yolngu elder can travel with their mind, enter other beings and places, and learn the secrets of the past and future. It is a spiritual quality that is part of the synergy with Country. The reader learns only the ceremonies and rituals that are a part of public knowledge. The book includes many authentic Yolngu words but not the real names of Country or people. It is enough to understand that Yolngu have their own religion, their own law, and way of life, traditions that continue to present day.
This is a powerful new book, an amazing collaboration that presents a facet of history that many Australians would be unaware of. It reveals that there is so much more to the history and culture of the original inhabitants of this country than ‘that Captain Cook story’. For an interesting discussion about the creation of this novel listen to the podcast of the Book Show interview with Leonie Norrington and Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs.
For other stories from Yolngu culture, read Songspirals: Sharing women's wisdom of Country through songlines by Gay'wu Group of Women (2019) and Welcome to my country by Laklak Burarrwanga and family (2013).
Themes: Australian history, Yolngu culture, Macassan traders, Women, Law, Slavery.
Helen Eddy