Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce

Macmillan 2008
(Age 9+) Highly recommended. Liam is desperate to win a trip to a theme
park in China which offers a ride in The Rocket - the biggest thrill
ride in history. The only problem is that the winners have to be dads
accompanied by their children and Liam is only twelve years old. On the
plus side he is taller than average and has an embryo beard. He is also
in the gifted and talented group at school. These, he feels, are the
qualities needed to pass himself off as a dad. Against all odds Liam is
a competition winner and sets off to China with his friend Florida, who
reluctantly agrees to play the part of his daughter.
This is a wonderful story, whimsical, unusual, thought provoking and
funny. Cottrell Boyce confronts some topical issues - the nature of
fame and celebrity, the problem with parents who are either completely
absent or who push their children too far, and the underhand behaviour
of adults who manipulate children to fulfil their own obsessions.
Four winning dads and children arrive in China to discover that The
Rocket is much more than just a theme park ride. It is ironic that Liam
as the 'dad' realises he will be missing out on the adventure of a
lifetime as it is only the children who will venture into space; the
dads have to remain on earth and fill in all the boring forms!
Eventually Dinah Drax, the brains behind The Rocket, decides to offer
an ultimate prize for one of the dads - the opportunity to accompany
the children on their space flight.
Liam wins the prize, but his skills as a dad are sorely tested as drama
and danger threaten the space flight, and he faces up to the
possibility that they may not make it home. Liam's attempts to behave
in a 'dadly' way are superbly portrayed. At what point do you admit you
are scared? How do you make four frightened and argumentative children
do as you say when you are just a kid yourself? You may be gifted and
talented, but there are times when you still need your dad.
Cottrell Boyce has such a direct approach that young readers will
empathise with Liam's dilemmas.
Liam has always felt too big. He has been picked on by teachers because
'a big lad like you should know better,' and the other kids call him
names. It takes a trip to the far side of the moon to put his size into
perspective and make him feel small again.
This is a superb book. It would be an excellent story to read aloud in
upper primary and lower secondary, and should generate all kinds of
discussion and comment. The ending left me with a smile on my face and
a lump in my throat. I'm hoping that Cosmic will make a well deserved
appearance on next year's Carnegie shortlist.
Claire Larson.
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