Moon sailors by Naomi Woodward and Rachel Gregg

Inspired by her experiences of marvelling at rock pools on the Mornington Peninsula as a child, Naomi Woodward has created a charming tale of rock pools on the moon.
Using the bed sheets and straw broom as mast and sails, the children set sail for the moon. They find moonshells and press them to their ears, listening to the sounds of the planets. They follow the snail trails and find oysters and pearls, cockles buried in the sand, clamber over the rocks, to find clams. The tide is out so they seek out the smaller creatures hidden in the rocks: octopus, necklaces of seaweed, abalone and urchins.
The dreamy illustrations are enticing, making any reader feel that they are there, on the moon, searching through rock pools. Children’s eyes will dart amongst the seaweed looking for a variety of creatures, excited at their find. They will be transported into this fantasy world, along with the two children, until they return to earth before the sun rises, and fall in bed asleep. Rachel Gregg’s pencil and water colour illustrations shimmer, reflecting the moon’s glow as the children speed towards it in their craft. The understated colours are magical, redolent of the fantasy world the children occupy. I love the touches of sea creatures in their bedroom, and readers will love checking out the array of sea creatures seen in the night sky. More can be found about Rachel Gregg here.
Go to Ford St Publishing for a drop down menu of their authors and illustrators for further information about the writing and illustrating of this book. This is a lovely story, enticing and beguiling as the children go on a magical tour before they sleep. Activities are available.
Themes Sea, Moon, Sea creatures, Travel, Sleep, Fantasy.
Fran Knight