Yarn quest: The search for the story realm by Brooke Scobie and Jade Goodwin

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The search for the story realm is part of the Yarn Quest  trilogy published by Penguin books. Before they were books, Yarn Quest was a first-nations led children's podcast, incorporating stories written by the Awesome Black team. AwesomeBlack is an agency that centres First Nations voices and stories and hence its support of Brooke Scobie, author of The Search for the story realm and Jade Goodwin the illustrator.

Brooke Scobie is a queer, auDHD, First Nations author. She is "passionate about creating stories and worlds where weird, wonderful kids of all shapes and sizes can see themselves in magical places on extraordinary adventures". This she achieves in The search for the story realm.

The two main characters, Tane and Sibyl, are loved real life children, to whom the book is dedicated, so there is an extra warmth about the story. Tane has difficulty finishing stories which causes him anxiety at school. The plot follows a magical adventure in the story realm of the Australian bush with a spirit called Fable. The sadness of the bush and the loss of the story spirit's energy could be an allegory for the loss of the Australian bush. Invasion is mentioned. The children have to save the spirit.

The search for the story realm exudes a warm-hearted, authentic voice which permeates the narrative and the dialogue. This is illustrated also in the warmth of the relationships with the aunties..."Of course you do, bub. Now, hats on before you leave, I don't want to see any sunburn on any of youse".

This story, The search for the story realm, and the other two books in the trilogy will be particularly enjoyed by First Nations children who will see the importance of story and feel the warmth of the narrator's voice speaking into their lives.

Themes: Storytelling, Australian bush spirit magic, Truth and lies, First Nations.

Wendy Jeffrey