When the lights went out by Lian Tanner and Jonathan Bentley

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Lian Tanner and Jonathan Bentley, creators of the award-winning Ella and the ocean have joined forces again to produce another stunning picture book. Mum, Dad and a young boy are all snug and cosy in the kitchen when the lights go out. Oh no! It is very dark and the little boy is scared but Dad strikes a match and the family could see that all the lights have gone out in the street. The family creep up the stairs to find more candles, imagining that they are explorers, and after lighting all ten of the candles, they look out the window, to see that the neighbours have come out, and together they sing brave songs and songs that they made them’ tap and sway.’ Then they all dance ‘with the moon and the owls and the little red foxes’ until suddenly the lights come on again.

Tanner’s narrative flows along smoothly, ideal for a read aloud, and children who are afraid of the dark will be reassured with the way the little boy’s parents manage the sudden blackout. Community togetherness is emphasized, and it is lovely to see all the neighbours gathering, singing and dancing.

Bentley’s illustrations are wonderful. He captures the darkness of the night with deep blues and the highlights that the candles make shine with bright gold. The family’s faces are very expressive, showing the fear on the little boy’s face, while Mum and Dad's expressions are calm and soothing. Little details like the family’s cat and foxes in the neighbourhood will intrigue readers who will want to go back and follow their journeys as well.

This lovely story about being scared in the dark and then joining with neighbours to celebrate the dark is a keeper and likely to win more awards for this talented duo.

Themes: Fear, Dark, Community life, Electricity.

Pat Pledger