What's the big idea? by Sue Lawson & Karen Tayleur

Two great advantages of the wonderful non-fiction being currently published is that it covers a diverse range of topics and provides something to interest everyone, both young and old. The new release, What’s the Big Idea? written by Sue Lawson and Karen Tayleur, is one such book. The authors have collaborated and collected material on an array of Australian inventions in the following areas: Medicine, Technology, Communication, Sport, Agriculture, Tools, Home & Food, Great Ideas, Charity Events & Services.
The information is presented in a large hardback format with glossy pages and clear photographs of inventions, and inventors where possible. Each invention is clearly labelled, has its own position on the page and the text is easily accessible for all ages. The book has clever endpapers, contents page, introduction, glossary and index. The welcome addition of a Timeline begins with Firestick Farming used 60,000 years ago to manage Country with the final invention being a Mobile Laundry Van for the Homeless in 2015.
For those currently watching the Commonwealth Games, two of the sport inventions will be of interest. A popular theory is that Yorta Yorta runner Bobby McDonald is credited with the crouch start for sprints in 1887, and in 1928 the Speedo brand was created for a one-piece racer-back costume.
This book will be a wonderful resource for all libraries whether home, school or classroom. It contains so many familiar and unfamiliar inventions from those of First Nations people through to the present day.
Kathryn Beilby