What the Fluffy Bunny said to the Growly Bear by P. Crumble
Ill. by Chris Saunders. Koala Books, 2018. ISBN 9781742761084
(Ages: 3-7) Rhyming Book. This is about a funny game of Chinese
whispers and while amusing it doesn't quite hit the mark. "There's a
surprise birthday party for Zebra. Wear a hat! Bring a cake! Pass it
on." Each time the message is wrongly remembered with humorous
results ("Wear a rat!", "Bring a snake!", etc). Young children will
like the silliness of the concept as well as one of the last pages
where all the animals turn up to the party (wearing meerkats, rats
and acrobats and carrying snakes, shakes and rakes) but the final
page tries to be a bit too clever and will probably go over their
heads. It might even take adults a couple of reads to get the joke.
This is a nice idea but lacks oomph at the end. In addition, the
illustrations are disappointingly sparse and blandly coloured and
the style seems inconsistent.
Nicole Nelson