What do you call your Dad? by Ashleigh Barton and Martina Heiduczek

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What a dad is called in other countries may be a different word, but they are all the same. They may be short or tall, fat or thin, but they are still dads and in this book, children will see that no matter the name, these people are loving, supportive and kind.

In this charming heartfelt letter to all fathers, Ashleigh and Marina give kids a vocabulary rich text to puzzle over, learn and recite, while looking closely at the intriguing illustrations which give an insight into the world of the fathers on the page. From Baba to Papi, Da and Nan, these new words beg to be spoken aloud, put in a sentence, delving into the land where this word means the same as ours - dad. Perhaps some in the group or class can add others in other language, adding more words to learn and countries to visit on the map or in an atlas.   This book introduces excited young readers aged 3+ to a range of new vocabulary and people. Adela, a Slovak girl takes her puppy to the vet, with the help of her Otec. And Ikemba travelling with his Nna, the Igbo word for father.

The rhyming stanzas introduce all readers to the scope of different words and families across the globe.

Enhanced by detailed illustrations, the image on each page depicts a dad in his environment, doing something with his child. Warm and encompassing, the bright, breezy images show families at their best, doing things together, even if huddled together under a blanket watching a movie, or playing soccer with a lot of other children and their fathers.  At the end of the book is a glossary for each of the fathers. Ready for Father’s Day in September, the book is a useful tool for all year round as children learn of countries outside their own.

Themes: Multiculturalism, Countries, Language, Vocabulary.

Fran Knight