Vlad the fabulous vampire by Flavia Z. Drago

Another book in The World of Gustavo series (Gustavo, the shy ghost) by Flavia Z. Drago has the readers enthralled with the fabulous vampire Vlad. His passion is fashion and he can be found clad entirely in black. But he has bright pink cheeks and this makes him feel very different. He tries to hide them, but when he finds out that his friend has a secret of her own, the pair decide that it is best to just be yourself.
The illustrations are eye-catching and very appealing to a young audience. The cover with its smiling vampire, draped in a black cape and grinning through two fangs catches the attention immediately and the bold black and white illustrations, tinged with the colour pink, bring the story alive.
The story can be read on many levels - a fun read for Halloween with charming characters, and a story about accepting your own attributes and abilities and being happy to live with them and find friends who will understand you, regardless of whether those around you reject you.
This is sure to become a favourite with young children and will be a great book to share before Halloween.
Themes: Halloween, Vampires, Monsters, Fantasy.
Pat Pledger