Unleashed by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie

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Wolf Springs Chronicles. Doubleday, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-857-53071-4.
(Age: Mid to older teens) Unleashed is an enchanting novel that holds and captivates your imagination and mind. Katelyn McBride is the new girl, a position hated by most of the population, she moved to Wolf Springs, a small quiet town where everyone knows everyone, because of the tragic death of her mother, Giselle Chevalier, world renowned ballet dancer, who died in an earthquake, leaving Katelyn nowhere to live but her Grandfather's house in southern, isolated Wolf Springs. Katelyn, homesick and depressed, gains friendship with one of the mildly bad boys, Trick, young, handsome and strong, Katelyn finds herself attracted to him before you can say 'Hill-Billy Central'. Fortunately he is her ride to school and back, every day, Yes! Her status as the new girl isn't that bad because everyone treats her like a celebrity because she is from L.A. She then meets gorgeous ex-cheerleader Cordelia Fenner. Horribly unfortunate deaths occur, Haley and Becky both die in the forest, the blame on wild animals, but could it be? Things get suspicious and exciting when they are put together for a history project and Katelyn ticks off a long-lost silver mine with a beast to guard on the possibility list, Cordelia seems to get cold feet and is constantly in two states of mind about the whole project. More complications appear when she visits the Fenner residence one day, Katelyn is assessed by Cordelia's older sisters, Regan and Arial along with her stunningly sexy cousin Justin, who Katelyn has to fight to keep her hands off.
Things start to get really weird when Katelyn gets attacked by a wolf with bright blue eyes and when Cordelia is informed she becomes very secretive and suspicious. With the deep leg wound healing in only days, Katelyn starts to freak and begs Cordelia to tell her everything. This is where things get more interesting and extremely but enjoyably intense.
Unleashed is a brilliant novel to get into and it leaves you craving for more. I think this book will be better suited to mid to older teens who like romance, mystery and thrill. I don't always rate books but if I did this would land a solid 8 out of 10. It was really enjoyable. I hope there is a sequel and I hope it is just as enthralling.
Sarah Filkin, Yr 10