Truly Tan Shocked by Jen Storer

Described by Megan Daley of Children's Books Daily as "the 21st century version of the Secret Seven", Truly Tan is a series for independent readers confident with their skills and ready to immerse themselves in more complex novels which feature characters and scenarios that they recognise and relate to. She is the youngest of four very different sisters, each with their own personality - bossy Emerald, girly Amber, and Goth-aspirant Rose - while she, herself, loves adventure, new words and making the most out of being a kid. She loves a mystery and uses her 'Great Detective' brain to solve them. But she is also very real with a mix of determination, humour, smarts and quirkiness to appeal to her audience.
The first book in the series begins..." Dear Diary It's official. Our whole family has moved to the country. The pets are disturbed and restless. My sisters are disturbed and restless - although that's normal. What is not normal is a cursed fox and a haunted clubhouse. That is definitely unnormal. At least the country people now have an expert in their midst. Someone with a cool head and a sharp eye. Someone who can solve intriguing mysteries and knows how to keep detailed Secret Spy Files. Really, it's lucky I came along when I did" and sets the scene for the seven that have followed.
With enough intrigue to keep the reader engrossed but not scared, this is a series that will particularly appeal to girls and given the threat of looming lockdowns, would be perfect to have on hand for a binge read if it is new to the reader, or to catch up if it is already a favourite.
Barbara Braxton