Torment by Lauren Kate

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(Fallen, Book 2) Random House, 2010. ISBN 9780385618090.
(Age 14+) Luce has been separated from her beloved fallen angel, Daniel, and sent off to Shoreline, a select private school. It is here that the Nephilim, children of fallen angels and humans, are educated in a special program. Luce desperately misses Daniel, but as she begins to learn more about her powers, she feels that she hasn't been told everything that she needs to know. Is she really the love of Daniel's life through all eternity? When her life is threatened she must take risks to find out the truth.
Girls who enjoy the paranormal will enjoy the sequel to Fallen. Lauren Kate has provided an interesting setting at Shoreline, which is certainly a boarding school with a difference. Luce is determined about finding out what is going on. Even though she has been told not to leave the boundaries of the school, Luce leaves the school, putting herself in danger from the Outcasts. In an even more daring move Luce starts to learn about the Shadows that she has seen all her life and begins to use her gift to find out more about her past.
With an array of fascinating Nephilim, some danger, angst about whether Daniel is really her one true love, Kate has provided an engrossing sequel. However many questions are left unresolved and the cliffhanger ending will have readers clamouring for the next instalment in this fantasy romance.
Pat Pledger