There's no such thing by Heidi McKinnon

Albert Street Books, 2020. ISBN: 9781760877279. 32pp.
(Age: 3+) Highly recommended. When Bear and Ted go camping, Bear is
a little overwhelmed. He has never been camping before and is a
little unsettled by the dark. But when he hears noises in the night
he is convinced that they are not alone. His imagination takes hold
and he fears a blood sucking spider, a fire breathing dragon and a
hungry giant are all out in the dark ready to pounce. Ted assures
him that each of his fears is groundless and offers a perfectly good
reason for each of the noises Bear hears.
Bear then dreams good thoughts and falls asleep for the night.
The hilarious illustrations show the two friends in their tent,
surrounded by thousands of eyes in the blackest of nights, Bear's
eyes wide with fear. Ted's reassurances calm him and they sleep
well. Bear's eyes reflect his fears and younger readers will love
watching the change in him as he calms down to sleep. They will
recognise that their fears sometimes occur at night and are as
groundless as Bear's, although in the morning . . .
A very funny turnaround when the friends wake up will cause lots of
laughter as the readers see Bear's monsters cooking them breakfast.
This is a lovely book dealing with imagined fears that will initiate
discussion and help children who may be fearful.
McKinnon also wrote, I
just ate my friend, and Baz
and Benz, two equally funny stories for younger readers.
Themes: Fears, Reassurance, Humour.
Fran Knight