The world of Emily Windsnap: The truth about Aaron by Liz Kessler. Illus. by Joanie Stone

Simple language, short snappy sentences and full-colour illustrations make this series ideal for newly independent readers or as shared reading practice books for those who are already quite confident. Based on The Tail of Emily Windsnap books for readers aged 8+, this series takes on similar themes in a much more simplistic format. This is the third in the series, with Emily's Big Discovery and Shona Finds Her Voice also available.
This title focusses on Emily Windsnap's semi-mer friend Aaron who lives on a castle in the middle of the ocean. He's quite lonely most of the time, so he's very excited that today his mermaid friends Emily and Shona are coming to visit and that he and his mum have visitors coming for dinner. When he overhears the visitors talking about finding something precious and then realises that they have left with his necklace he is certain they are pirates. Thankfully his friends Emily and Shona are there to help him get it back. But are they really pirates or are they just making sure that Aaron is who they think he is, an ancestor of their friend Neptune, King of the Sea?
The full-colour illustrations and no more than half page chunks of text make this visually appealing and will delight young mermaid fans. The story is simple, with clear sequencing and an easy to follow complication and resolution.
Themes: Mermaids, Friendship.
Nicole Nelson