The world needs the wonder you see by Joanna Gaines

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Joanna Gaines takes children on an imaginary journey through their environment, reminding them to be curious, to look closely at what is around them, to admire, to question, to discuss. They are invited to take part in a journey and when readers wonder about where this might take them, the children open a box full of equipment that is necessary for adventures. Readers will have fun picking out the hardware needed for particular environments. One uses a magnifying glass to look more closely at a trail of ants, another dons Wellington boots and splashes through a puddle, seeing the animals that live them. Others run through a forest, seeing nothing but trees, while some look more closely and see that animals and plants that survive there. Some splash through the ocean seeing nothing but the sea, while others dive down to see an amazing array of plants and animals. Similarly, some look at the sky seeing distant lights while others make those lights into shapes that tell stories.

There is a world of possibilities waiting to be seen and shared, and the more one looks, asks questions and shares the information, the more we can find out about our environment. Sharing this awe and wonder brings us closer together, becoming more aware of the environment and its needs.

Colourful illustrations cover each page, entreating the readers to look more closely and see all the animals and plants they can find. The images inspire children to read the book together and discuss what they see on each page, then go out into their environment to take these skills with them.

Themes: Environment, Plants, Animals, Discovery.

Fran Knight