The voyage of Whale and Calf by Vanessa Pirotta. Illus. by Samantha Metcalfe

The Voyage of Whale and Calf is a beautifully written story by Vanessa Pirotta of the birth, the growth and migration of Whale and Calf. Born in warm Australian waters, Calf’s journey to adulthood is gently told in simple language that shares many facts about the characteristics and life cycle of Humpback Whales.
Through the story telling young readers will learn many interesting facts such as the whales eat krill, how their baleen plates push out the water once they have swallowed the krill, that they poo and feed in different areas and that poo feeds marine creatures that are eaten by the krill. The story tells of the dangers to Whale and Calf of nets, boats, and party balloons as well as the threat of Killer Whales further south. As Calf grows and the season changes, he is ready to begin his own journey back to warmer waters to begin a new cycle of life.
The full page soft, pastel illustrations by Samantha Metcalf are simply stunning and complement the text perfectly. Unfamiliar words are highlighted and their meaning accessed from the glossary in the final pages. Also provided after the story are Humpback Whale facts including a map of their migration.
This highly engaging book will provide children with easily accessible information about this magnificent marine animal. A wonderful resource for classroom teachers when looking at collecting information for report writing.
Teacher Notes are available from the publisher.
Themes: Humpback Whales, Marine Animals, Life Cycles, Migration.
Kathryn Beilby