The very hungry caterpillar explores Australia by Eric Carle

A strong board book with bright colours and lift the flaps will appeal to all toddlers and younger readers who can get their hands on it. Perhaps a little larger than most board books, it nevertheless fills a gap for younger readers to get to know some Australian animals. Through the auspices of the very hungry caterpillar, which is seen on every page, kids will love seeing what is under the flap on each page. On the beach gives way to Under the ocean, then On the outback plains, Around the creek and finally Up in the treetops. Each double page has an introductory two rhyming lines which tell the readers what time of day in the environment they are in. Small pieces of information, but necessary to ground the animals on the page.
Kids will love seeing all the animals, and keep their eyes open for the caterpillar.
This is another in the series, World of Eric Carle, sure to please younger readers and teach them about Australian animals and their habitats.
Themes: Australian animals, Verse, Very hungry caterpillar (series).
Fran Knight