The useless tune by Chris Uhlmann and Paul Uhlmann

A young magpie, Maggie, has left her parent’s nest in search of her own tree and a new home. Along the way, the magpie shares her special song with a number of trees, but is rejected by a rude Mountain Ash, an angry Ironbark and an unkind Red Gum. These trees feel that a magpie’s song is not able to offer them anything but trouble and cannot protect them from natural and manmade disasters such as bushfires, drought, flood or logging. Poor Maggie feels that she really has nothing to offer, is exhausted, and finally sleeps overnight on the ground. When she wakes, a small Scribbly Gum asks to hear her song and convinces Maggie to make her nest amongst its branches.
This thoughtful and calming story is set in a barren Australian landscape captured by the simple and subdued illustrations. The poignant text is asking the reader to really listen to the sounds around us and think deeply about what is being said.
Themes: Magpies, Nature, Trees, Australian Bush, Song, Harmony.
Kathryn Beilby