The Unlisted by Justine Flynn and Chris Kunz

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Lothian, 2019. ISBN: 9780734419552.
(Age: 10+) Recommended. Themes: Action thriller, Brainwashing, Dissent, Families. What a roller-coaster ride, The Unlisted is a great read and also an ABC TV/Netflix tie-in! Dru Sharma hates the dentist and persuades his twin brother Kal to take his place when he is supposed to have a compulsory school dental check-up. When Kal begins to show signs of super strength and their friend Tim goes missing, Dru realises that something is terribly wrong. The Infinity Group is aiming to take over the thoughts and actions of kids everywhere and it's only the Unlisted who can withstand the brainwashing. Can Dru and his companions keep out of danger and stop the spread of Infinity Group's control?
This is an action packed novel that has everything that the adrenaline junkie reader could wish for - the short chapters and cliff hanger endings that push the reader to continue on, dangerous situations, villains, mystery and surprises. In addition the main characters are likeable and their family is a hoot, with a grandmother who rules the roost and feeds them well and an aunt who might be part of Infinity Group's conspiracy.
The Unlisted will have immediate appeal with its dark cover showing the twins and an Unlisted group deep underground and its TV tie-in. Reluctant readers may be drawn to it, and readers who enjoy an action suspense story will be eagerly waiting to grab the next books in the series. Reading notes at the conclusion of the book are a welcome addition.
Pat Pledger