The three lives of Alix St Pierre by Natasha Lester

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Alix St Pierre Was a young woman during the war. She was recruited into the OSS, secret service and spent a great deal of time during the war passing messages and supporting the partisan movement against the Nazi army by getting them resources and information to support their cause.

After the war she moves to Paris to make a life for herself and finds a job working for Christian Dior. She is enjoying her new life until a nightmare from the past surfaces and she feels she needs to try and right a wrong from the war.

Alix is a fiercely independent woman and finds it hard to trust others and ask for help, but she finally realises that she needs to let someone into her life to help her put her nightmare to rest. With the help of Anthony March, also a previous member of the OSS, they manage to get to the bottom of the nightmare, but the answer they find is not what either of them expected.

Dior tells Alix when she is having a particularly hard time that ‘We know what we are, but know not what we may’. Alix resolves to make changes in her life and take a risk and see what happens.

The author notes at the end of the novel really tie the whole story together and to know that this story is lightly based on fact makes the novel even more appealing.

 I highly recommend this book.

Themes: Paris, Christian Dior, Spies, Justice, Women, World War 2.

Karen Colliver