The sea and us by Catherine de Saint Phalle

Transit Lounge, 2019. ISBN: 9781925760415.
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. The Sea and Us is a fish and
chip shop, with rooms upstairs to let, and that is where Harold ends
up, returning to Melbourne as a 36 year old, after spending 18 years
in South Korea. Gradually we learn about why he walked out of his
home as a young man, leaving behind his Czech mother, deserting her
just as his father did years before. And we learn of his love for
the beautiful Korean girl Ha-yoon, his apprenticeship with master
potter Do-yun, and his friendship with street girl Marylou, and the
wrinkled old man Sung-ki.
The old friends in Korea and the new friends Harold makes in
Melbourne are like 'flotsam, jetsam, ligan and derelict'. They float
in and out of his life, and he has to discover who can be rescued
from abandonment, and who it is there is no hope of reclaiming.
It is a gentle story of kind people and genuine friendships that
warm the heart. There are themes of abuse, deception and
disappointment, but they are dealt with understanding and
compassion, and the overall feeling one is left with is of the
magical connection between people from many different walks of life.
It is a treasure of a book, a pleasure to read.
Helen Eddy