The quirky smelling lunch box by Renee Peters. Illus. by Andrew McIntosh

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Lunch time in the school yard is often the time for examining what each other has been packed by their parents or carers. While children are not meant to share their food, often they will swap if someone has something not liked or more interesting. It is also the time when children may not be very complimentary to those children who have strong-smelling or unusual food selections. In The Quirky Smelling Lunch Box Dylan has the most amazing strong-smelling lunches that his classmates have seen and smelt made by his mother. These lunches include lemongrass broccoli and king prawn spaghetti, green eggs and smoked ham, snails, soybean paste, blue cheese and duck egg curry. His classmates make the usual unkind comments, but one day his friend Tiana is wondering what he has and he offers her a taste. She enjoys the new taste sensation as she is only ever packed butter sandwiches every single day. Dylan dares Tiana to bring a lunch stranger than the one he has the following day and she certainly does. It is a real surprise that readers will love.

The clever digital illustrations by Andrew McIntosh are bright and visually appealing. An enjoyable story to share with younger readers.

Themes: School, Friends, Lunches.

Kathryn Beilby