The Paris Agent by Kelly Rimmer

The latest book by well-known Australian author Kelly Rimmer, The Paris Agent, is a fast paced and riveting historical fiction novel centred on the true stories of real-life female SOE WWII agents, Violette Szabo and Diana Rowden.
Beginning with a prologue set in 1944, readers are introduced to SOE agent Fleur, codenamed Eloise, one of the two main female characters who is a prisoner of the Germans travelling on a train to an unknown destination. She is still hopeful that she may survive whatever lies ahead even after everything she has suffered at the hands of the enemy. Travelling with Eloise is another SOE agent Josie, codenamed Chloe, whose story will also be revealed throughout this deeply moving story.
The narrative then shifts to 1970 where 25-year-old Charlotte and her father, Noah Ainsworth, are grieving the tragic and unexpected loss of their wife and mother, Geraldine. Her death has raised deeply hidden memories and secrets for Noah, SOE agent codenamed Marcel, and his burning desire to find the agent who helped him to escape capture by the Germans. This leads both Charlotte and Noah on a difficult and moving journey to uncover the truth of what really happened over a number of months in war torn France.
Throughout this book, the telling of the actual events change from one character or time frame to another. Written in first person, the reader learns the true story and experiences the danger, the bravery, and the terrible suffering experienced by Eloise, Chloe and Marcel. They also journey with Charlotte as she learns that her father had another life before she was born. A life where he was courageous, resilient and an instrumental part of the war effort. Charlotte also meets Theo, who has a search of his own to complete and is integral to the final outcome and the ultimate search for truth.
The thorough and extensive research by Kelly Rimmer into these little-known women of history and the role they played in the SOE, is vital to our understanding of the powerful part women played quietly behind the scenes during World War Two.
Themes: History, World War Two, Espionage, Secret Agents, French Resistance, Special Operations Executive (SOE), Betrayal, Relationships, Family, Grief, Guilt, Secrets.
Kathryn Beilby