The Odds : Run, Odds, Run by Matt Stanton

This is book two of The Odds trilogy and follows on immediately from the first instalment. Book one introduced us to quiet Kip and her graphic-novel-writing dad who woke to find ten imaginary characters had come to life in their apartment.
Now those characters are causing chaos - the apartment is too small and too noisy; the neighbours are complaining, and Kip's dad can't concentrate on his work. And just when things seem bad, they get even worse when a mysterious Woman in a Suit turns up asking questions.
Kip's dad decides they need a change of scenery and bundles everyone into his car, heading off to a quiet cabin in the woods. As you might expect with so many different personalities all crowded together, there are disagreements and misunderstandings.
The character development and lessons learnt during this book are explicit (there is nothing subtle about them) but are the absolute standout.
All the relationships between characters improve, thanks to discussions about recognising and valuing differences, and about making time for each other. Kip realises that she shares emotions and qualities with all the Odds – bravery, fearfulness, wonder, worry, etc – and that this exact mix is what makes her special and her imagination powerful.
And she realises that to face fears you need to stop running away from them. The book ends ‘to be continued’ as Kip is readying herself and all the Odds to face a new unknown. They all look toward this confidently, holding hands in a row and knowing they can do anything together.
Themes: Friendship, Imagination, Adventure, Feelings.
Kylie Grant