The little old man who looked up at the moon by Pamela Allen

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Penguin, 2012. ISBN 9780 670 07581 2.
Picture book, Life journeys. The little old man looks up at the moon one night after dinner and seeing the vastness of the night sky, thinks about the big life issues, where do we come from, why are we here amongst others. He is very puzzled by his part in the universe, and his loving wife sets off to find some answers for him. She meets a rooster, a pig, a cow and a duck along the way and each has an answer for her question which will cause much merriment amongst the listeners, but also reveal that they are as much in the dark as the rest of us. Returning home, she relates these answers to her husband. He has one more question but who am I, and she can answer this one for him.
This is a tender little story about the companionship between a husband and wife, asking the big questions of life, but realising all that matters is the two of them in their own home together. The wife who sets out to find the answers for him, cannot do so, but can give him the best answer to the biggest question of all, so reassuring him. Pamela Allen's drawings will enchant the reader as they travel with the wife on her journey of discovery, and happily join in with the animal noises along the way.
Fran Knight