The fabulous Finola Fox by Carmel Bird

Ill. by Kerry Argent. Penguin/Viking, 2013. ISBN 9780670029488.
(Age: 4+) Warmly recommended. Picture book. Shoes. Family. Finola
Fox is a shoe fetishist. Whenever she sees shoes, she must have
them, so spirits them away in her capacious handbag, taking them
home where she stores them in rows in her cellar. She hopes
one day to be able to open a museum to display them all, but until
then, she busies herself arranging them all. She notices that one
shoe is alone. It was a glamorous jewelled and feathered shoe that
she found in an alleyway last summer.
She sets out to find its pair. She goes to the wonderful hotel, the
art gallery, the Botanic Gardens and the Opera House, all to no
avail. Outside the Opera House, she notices a pair of green sandals
getting into a limousine. About to follow the car, she is
stopped by another fox who introduces himself as Frederick, who asks
her what she is searching for. He surprises her by telling her that
he thinks he knows just where to look. Together they find the
missing shoe and return to her house which Frederick thinks is an
ideal place for the museum.
This is a charming tale of coming together, like a pair of shoes.
The two foxes find each other in the streets of Sydney, and together
find the shoe Finola is searching for. The pair of shoes parallels
the two foxes in finding a friend, a mate, a companion.
Argent's illustrations are just wonderful. She has an amazing
collection of people and animals on each page, reflecting the text
in the foxes' search for the missing shoe. The bold, colourful pages
will entice the reader to look more closely, following the fox as
she searches under counters, along the rows of seats in the Opera
House, through the shrubbery in the gardens.
Fran Knight