The boy who slept through Christmas by Matt Lucas

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Leo LOVES Christmas.

And this Christmas needs to be absolutely perfect, because it's the first one without Mum. Only it all keeps going wrong!

The fairylights are in a tangle
The Christmas cards aren't finished
The tree isn't decorated
And the Christmas cakes have all been destroyed!

Soon Leo decides he's had enough - he makes a heartfelt wish that it would all GO AWAY. But, then when he wakes up on what SHOULD be Christmas Day - it's gone!! All of Christmas! But Leo isn't going to let it escape that easily . . . So Leo sets out on a mission to undo his wish and get Christmas back.

With a premise that will sadly resonate with some of our students and who just wish they could sleep through this festive family time, this is a story that might provide a little relief in those long days where every emotion and activity is tinged with the sense of loss.

Written for independent readers who enjoy funny stories by actor and comedian Matt Lucas, this is unique in that there are QR codes to scan so the reader can listen to the songs  included as the story progresses. (For those without the technology, all the lyrics are included at the end of the book.) It is also liberally illustrated so the thickness of the book shouldn't daunt young readers,

Definitely a story of being careful about what you wish for but one that might add some joy to a tricky time. A video is available.

Themes: Christmas.

Barbara Braxton