The blue umbrella by Emily Ann Davison and Momoke Abe

It wasn't supposed to rain the day the little girl found the blue umbrella on her doorstep with a note that said, "For you." But she took it with her to the park just in case, and sure enough the rain started. As it got heavier, she realised her mum was getting wet, and even though it was just a little umbrella she told her mum to get under it. And, miraculously, they both fitted. As they noticed more and more people getting wet, they invited them to shelter too, and the umbrella grew to embrace them all. But the biggest miracle was yet to come...
This is a heart-warming story of the power of community coming and working together that will delight young readers, particularly. Somewhat reminiscent of the story of the magic pot that kept multiplying the food so all the peasants could be fed, but without the didacticism, it shows just how the ripples of kindness can spread into unexpected corners - how a simple act might be the shining light in a person's struggle, as it was for the old man on the park bench. Perhaps the children might not have a mysterious, magic umbrella but they do have a smile that can spread just as widely.
Themes: Umbrellas, Rain, friendship, Community life.
Barbara Braxton