The bat book by Charlotte Milner
DK/Penguin Random House, 2020. ISBN: 9780241410691.
Recommended for readers aged 8+. Themes: Bats, Ecology. Bats are
often misunderstood, so this book written and illustrated by
Charlotte Milner helps to demystify these mammals and describe the
features of bats and their important role in the environment. Giving
a broad overview of different types of bats around the world - big
and small, plus explaining their food preferences, and physical
features, this book is a simplified introduction to the creatures
that few get to see because of their nocturnal habits.
Set out in a clear way, answering the common questions related to
bats in short paragraphs utilising simple language and through
simple illustrations, this is a book that young readers can access
and enjoy. You won't find photographs of bats, distribution maps or
a comprehensive list of all known bats or a focus on Australian
species, but that would be far beyond the scope of this simple
introduction for younger readers. The 'picture book' cover would
attract both male and female readers (the wisdom of using pink and
blue colours a not-so-subtle visual hint to this). (Note Charlotte
Milner has other books presented in a similar way: The
bee book, The sea book).
Carolyn Hull