The autist's guide to the galaxy by Clara Tornvall

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Author Clara Törnvall was diagnosed with autism at the age of 42. Her first book, The Autists: women on the spectrum, is a memoir that shares her own story as well as offering an insight into how autistic women navigate the neurotypical world. Her second book The Autist’s Guide to the Galaxy: navigating the world of ‘normal people’ is a highly accessible information-style read for those autists who on a daily basis interact with neurotypical people or NT’s as they can be known.

For many autists, workplaces, schools, shops and family gatherings are often a source of confusion as to the expectations of behaviour and interaction. To be able to read this practical guide may provide a degree of understanding of what is actually happening to NT’s with words they use, in their actions and connections, and how this may impact on autists. For neurotypical people who regularly share each day with autists this small easy-to-digest book offers a valuable insight to the way of the world for those who view, say and think in other ways from NT people.

The Autist’s Guide to the Galaxy: navigating the world of ‘normal people’ is a handy reference offering explanations and ideas with examples and shared stories from autists. It is complete with tips, and facts as well as a good dose of humour. A worthwhile book to recommend and share with the neurotypical people and autists in your life. 

Themes: Autism, Relationships, Neurotypical Behaviour.

Kathryn Beilby