The ABC of cuddles by Sophy Williams. Illus. by Gavin Scott

What a lovely alphabet book that parents and carers will delight in reading to young children. Written in rhyming couplets, the book is a joy to read aloud and share:
A is for airport cuddle, when it's time to go away.
B is for bear hug, when teddy goes astray.
C is for crying cuddle, a scary ghost went boo!
D is for daddy cuddle, when only Dad will do.
The author has described 24 different cuddles, each with a different pair of animals. I loved the daddy cuddle, with daddy dog sympathising with baby dog who has fallen off his billy cart, while the lazy cuddle, 'when you’re lying on the couch', shows polar bears reading a book about penguins. Little children will enjoy identifying each of the animals and will recognise the many different hugs that they have received themselves. The letters of the alphabet can be pointed out too and as the book ends with a yawning cuddle and a Z for zzzzzz, it is an ideal bedtime story.
The illustrations by Gavin Scott are awash in colour and the expressions on each of the animals’ faces are gorgeous. The little rabbits waving goodbye at the airport are forlorn, while the funny cuddle is hilarious.
Toddlers may not have the attention span to last right to the end of this delightful book, but will identify with the cuddles portrayed. I can see it becoming a firm family favourite.
Themes: Love, Cuddles, Alphabet book, Animals.
Pat Pledger