Thank you rain! by Sally Morgan & Johnny Warrkatja Malibirr

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Stunning illustrations adorn this book as rain falls on every page, watering the landscape and the animals and flora that live on it. From the driving rain on the front cover, to pages of rain you can almost feel falling, to softer pitter patter and finally a rainbow, younger children will delight at the presentation of things they have seen and felt but perhaps not known much about. Readers are asked to look at the developing rain clouds, Johnny depicting the differences they can see when they do look. When the rain begins it comes in a pitter patter, falling on the tree tops where birds sing, wetting the dry earth where a lizard runs for shelter, allowing the wildflowers to bloom. The rain drips making puddles, allowing the kangaroos to have fun, filling the creekbeds where animals can drink. But then the sky changes again and a rainbow can be seen. And everyone dances with happiness, thanking the rain. Younger readers may not have thought about what the rain is for and this book allows them to see how rain is an important part of the seasons, filling waterhole for the animals to drink, stimulating seeds to flourish, wetting the dry earth and  the trees. 

Johnny’s wonderful illustrations illuminate each page depicting animals and plants that need water to survive in the hearth environment. Children will enjoy looking at the different things he shows on each page and look out for the other two books done by these two, Little bird's day and The river.

Themes: Aboriginal themes, Weather, Rain, Environment.

Fran Knight