Taronga big book of animals

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Taronga Big Book of Animals is a beautifully presented large non-fiction book that will become a firm favourite in a home, school or public library. With bright, bold and colourful illustrations and over 200 fascinating facts, this treasure trove of fabulous information will engage and entertain readers whether read from beginning to end or as interest dictates.

The contents page is set out under habitat headings of rainforests, rivers and lakes, deserts, grasslands, oceans and coastlines, mountains, forests and scrubland, polar regions. There are over 100 animal facts discussed in each habitat and include details such as binturongs smell like buttered popcorn, scorpions do not lay eggs but give birth to live young, marine turtle nests will produce only female babies if the sand is warm, dunnart babies are smaller than grains of rice, wombats can run as fast as humans. Each double page spread is strikingly designed with full colour backgrounds, large animal illustrations and the highly accessible text is thoughtfully spaced out with clear headings and large font. Also included are maps, Did you know? sections, and most importantly a Taronga’s Actions For The Wild report where applicable. In the final pages is further information about the artists and designer as well as a comprehensive glossary and index. 

Sales from this striking book will go towards supporting Taronga Conservation Society Australia. It would make a wonderful Christmas or birthday gift for children of all ages.  I cannot recommend Taronga Big Book of Animals highly enough.

Find out more information at https://taronga.org.au/ and https://www.youtube.com/user/TarongaSydney

Themes: Taronga Zoo, Animals, Habitats, Wildlife Facts.

Kathryn Beilby