Super Cute : The sleepover surprise by Pip Bird

In a world where 'cute' rules, Sammy the Sloth is planning a surprise sleepover. The World of Super Cute is full of bizarre cuteness - talking skateboards, a marshmallow canyon, fruit salad forests - only some of the strangeness dressed in cute fantasy attire. So, a sleepover planned with funsies dressed in onesies is sure to be intriguing! Unfortunately, there is an interloper who is not as cute and fluffy as some.
This is a book that is designed for the age-group that still likes fantasy to have lollies, sprinkles and magical bursts of flavour, with only a little bit of magical poo! Interspersed into the simple story are puns, rhyme and alliteration as word play amongst the playful characters. Written for the independent reader aged 5+, this is a very light-hearted burst of magical narrative.
Themes: Fantasy, Friendship, Sleepovers.
Carolyn Hull