Sunny Sweet is so dead meat by Jennifer Ann Mann

Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781619635630
(Age:7-9) Masha Sweet and her precocious sister Sunny return in
another crazy tale of mishap and misadventure. Six year old Sunny
has a brain that's always buzzing, managing a million projects at a
time. She also is a major annoyance to her older sister Masha, whose
hair is still growing back from the superglue and flowers incident
and her arm is still in a purple cast.
Mum's off to a painting class, so she drops the girls off at the
School Science Fair at ten am, one hour early. When Masha questions
Sunny about her costume, a rain hat, raincoat and boots, she's knows
there's something about to happen. Sunny asks her to open a bottle
of ketchup and of course Masha agrees. This is the start of a
calamitous day, Masha is covered in splashes of a special red dye
and is now Sunny's entry in the Science Fair! How will people react
to the girl covered in red dye, how will she cope? Masha is furious
and yells 'Sunny Sweet, YOU ARE SO DEAD MEAT!'
Masha rings her friend Alice, who is in hospital and they work out a
way to disguise the problem. She slips down the school corridors
looking for the art room, with some paint brushes and paint in hand,
she pretends to be an artist. Two young brothers dressed as super
heroes help in her quest. The rest of the crazy day involves taking
bus trips on wrong routes, fly eggs in dog poop, several trips
through a creepy graveyard and a grave site rescue with the help of
Alice in her wheelchair, Sunny and a grumpy caretaker.
Another wild and crazy adventure from Jennifer Ann Mann, a fun
junior novel for girls.
Rhyllis Bignell