Stuff Happens: Jack by Tony Wilson
Penguin, 2014. ISBN: 9780143308225
Having forgotten to keep a ball on the oval to play with at recess
time, Jack invents the game 'You Play, You Pay'. Despite the fact
the school rules have banned games involving tackling; it somehow
creeps into the rules for Jack's new game. When Fadi tackles Jack,
he accidentally breaks his friend's arm! Knowing they had disobeyed
the rules, the boys fabricate a story explaining how the accident
has occurred. This in turn leads to severe punishment for Fadi and
Jack being unable to try out for the Vipers soccer team. Gradually,
guilt overcomes Jack and he decides to tell the truth about what has
happened. Will the punishment be greater or will matters somehow be
resolved to suit everyone?
Based on every day events, easily recognisable to most children,
presented in a large, double spaced type face, this story should
prove to be accessible to most boys from about year four and above.
Containing vocabulary that is simple and written in everyday
language used by kids, even less capable students may be engaged by
this book. Written in the first person in Jack's voice and with
themes of school, friends, truth versus lies, loyalty and soccer, it
would probably hold more appeal to boys than girls.
Jo Schenkel