Spot and stripe by Anna Shuttlewood
Five Mile Press, 2016. ISBN 9781760401405
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Friendship, Difference. Spot and Stripe are
the best of friends and do lots of things together: looking at the
stars, picking flowers, lying on their backs at night looking at the
moon, and making up stories out of the clouds they see. Stripe is a
zebra and Spot is a leopard, giving a lovely opportunity for parents
and teachers to talk about these animals and their differences,
where they live and their lifestyles. But they do wonder what it
would be like if each was same as the other. They spend the next day
teaching each other how to live like they do. So Spot shows Stripe
how to chase birds, and Stripe shows Spot how to eat the berries
form the bushes, Spot shows Stripe how to swim, and then how to
climb a tree to rest for the night.
Each watercolour illustration adds to the story as it shows a
variation fo the story being told. Stripe climbing a tree ends in
disaster, while Spot eating berries is not what he can do easily.
Each picture underlines their differences to the reader. The two
happily conclude that their efforts have resulted in them being the
same, but when they stop for a drink and see their reflections in
the river, they are shocked to see they are still the same as
before. An idea is played out by both, but when they realise that
they miss the stripes and spots, they conclude that they can still
be friends while being different. The message will not be lost on
the reader and will encourage class discussions of difference and
acceptance of difference.
Fran Knight