Sorry by Lisa Kerr

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Cheeky Monkey Manners. Five Mile Press, 2016. ISBN 9781760069773
(Age: 3-5) Recommended. Board book. Another in the Cheeky Monkey Manners series, sees Cheeky Monkey learning when to use the word 'Sorry'. When Cheeky Monkey is invited to Georgina's party he does some things that makes Georgina, the birthday girl, very sad. He blows out her birthday candles , then he opens her birthday presents, and when they played pin-the-tail on the elephant, he pushes her out of the way so that he can be at the front of the queue. When he wonders why Georgina is looking sad, Mr Owl tells him that it is Georgina's special day and that he should say 'Sorry'.
Funny illustrations accompany the text in this 5 page double spread narrative that is short enough to capture the attention of the pre-schooler, yet get the message about good manner across in an amusing and memorable way. The illustrations complement the text and add an element of humour to the message, and children will have lots of fun finding the tiny mouse on the pages as well as looking at the little monkeys and amusing birds.
This is an effective and fun way for young children to learn about saying sorry and having good manners at a birthday party.
Pat Pledger