Shadows of truth by Astrid Scholte

League of liars left the reader breathless on a cliffhanger, so it was great to read the sequel Shadows of truth to find out what happened to the friends, Cayder, Narena, Leta, Jey, and Princess Elenora when they landed behind the veil of shadows. This is a strange and mysterious world and they need all their ingenuity and courage to navigate their way through danger and secrets. Cayder and Elenora are separated from the rest of the group and Cayder must work at forgiving Elenora for her betrayal. Meanwhile Leta and Jey, who is badly wounded, are taken to an underground headquarters of people who have been transported from Telene. Narena, left at home and not knowing what has happened to her friends, continues to investigate with the help of another intern at the newspaper where she works. Will the group be united and stop the devastation of Telene and the shadow world? Will they be able to work with their old enemy, Dr Bueter?
While League of Liars was primarily a story about a prison heist, Shadows of truth moves firmly into the realm of fantasy. The shadow world is unique and there are surprises and secrets for the group to uncover. Danger abounds and all will need to be alert. Told in multiple voices, those of Cayder, his sister Leta, Jey, Princess Elenora and Narena, the reader is drawn into the plot, as Scholte gradually unfolds, with many twists and turns, the fate of the two worlds. The introduction of the Shadow Queen adds another dimension to the story. It is through their determination and courage, overcoming betrayal and misunderstandings, that the group begins to unravel the mysteries of the shadow world.
With unique worldbuilding, brave protagonists and thrilling suspense, Shadows of truth satisfactorily concludes this engrossing duology.
Themes: Magic, Fantasy, Good and evil, Bravery.
Pat Pledger