Seasons in the city by Megan McKean
The topic Seasons is an integral component of the Early Years Curriculum. It is looked at in Mathematics as well as having a place in the Hass Curriculum. Seasons in the City is a brightly illustrated book which explains each of the seasons in detail and then how a number of chosen cities from all over the world experience a particular season. For example, spring in Egypt’s capital city, Cairo, can be hot and dusty as the Khamaseen winds push sand from the Sahara Desert into the city. Summer in Stockholm can have days of up eighteen hours of sunlight. Autumn in Istanbul brings weather that can be warm and dry one day or chilly and wet the next day. Winter in St Petersburg, Russia, is very long and lasts from November to March. Each season is reflected in six very different cities on a double page spread with very appealing illustrations to investigate. As well as facts about each season in a particular city there is also more information about special events or interesting tourist places to visit.
This book is easy to read and will be of interest to young readers who have a fascination with weather and/or cities all over the world. Another welcome addition to a primary school or public library.
Themes: Seasons, World cities, Mathematics, HASS.
Kathryn Beilby