Saving you by Charlotte Nash

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Hachette, 2019. ISBN: 9780733636479.
(Age: 16 - Adult) Recommended. Themes: Road trips, United States, Child custody, Ageing, Romance. What a page turner - I couldn't put this down and devoured in one very late night sitting, laughing and crying as three pensioners, and one single mother helped out by a bikie, make their make across the United States, each with their own reason for making the road trip.
Mallory Cook and Harry, her five year old son, live in a tiny cottage. Mallory works at the local aged care home and making ends meets is a constant struggle since her husband Duncan left for New York to set up his business. Mallory still hopes that they will be together but when Duncan fails to send Harry home after a visit she is determined to get him back and sets off to bring him home. Meanwhile Zadie, Ernie and Jock have escaped from their care home and are planning a trip down memory lane. Abandoned by their trip advisor at the airport, they turn to Mallory to drive them, and left with no money when her husband freezes their account, she agrees to take them to Nashville. On the way they meet the mysterious biker AJ, who lends a helping hand when needed. All will learn about themselves and what motivates them to take the trip, while all help to save themselves and each other.
Saving you is a heart-warming, emotional story that will resonate with readers who will be familiar with many of the themes in the book. It is easy to empathise with Mallory as she gradually comes to terms with the fact that although she has supported her husband through all the years when he was developing his business, he has now taken their child and abandoned her. Readers will applaud her devotion to her son and the people she cares for in the aged care facility and laugh and cry as her strength and determination shine through her journey. And the character and motivations of the pensioners, Zadie, Ernie and Jock are very touching.
A compelling and satisfying read.
Pat Pledger