Runt by Craig Silvey. Illus. by Sara Acton

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Runt is a small brown haired dog of mixed ancestry who one day finds his forever owner, an unusual young girl called Annie. She sits by herself at lunchtime at her small school in Upson Downs, and beings to feed the stray dog. Runt has lived for a year or so, stealing food where he can, hounded by the local policemen. Annie and Runt bond totally with each other and he is taken in by her family. Annie finds that Runt obeys her every command, and is good at herding the small flock of sheep her family still owns, especially after they stray onto the well grassed farm next door, the owner ever vigilant in using the law to undermine the family.   

The local big wig, Earl Robert-Barron lives in a mansion above the town, and has dammed the water supply, resulting in terrible water shortages, made even more devastating with a three year drought. This has precipitated the town’s decline, with many moving out and the once prosperous farms now dustbowls. 

Her wonderful family, parents Brian and Susie, Doris (Grandma) and Max (brother), is struggling to survive, so when Annie gets the chance to enter Runt in the local show’s dog competition, she takes $20 from her mother’s takings at her cake stall, and enters. But one major problem still exists, Runt will not perform in front of an audience, he only has eyes for Annie.  So the judge clears the arena and Runt wins, Fergus Fink coming second. Annie goes on to triumph at the Australia wide championships, winning an entry into Krumpets, the world championship held in London. This has a first prize of half a million dollars, which will pay off the farm’s overdraft on the overdraft. They are all keen for Annie to go, but it means her dog needs to perform with people watching. The family tries all sorts of unusual dog whisperers, but the last resort is to see the recluse, Bernadette Box, and she offers Annie some sage advice while the family works together to find a solution. 

Annie is a memorable character, wearing her grandfather’s tool belt filled with useful bits and pieces which she loves to use to mend things that need fixing. 

All sorts of obstacles lie in the way of the family getting to London, but everyone pitches in, Brian selling his amazing grafted rose, Max performing a dangerous stunt, Doris setting up a kissing booth and Susie selling pies. And again, obstacles are put in their way in London, but all turns out well in the end.

From the bestselling author of Jasper Jones and Honeybee, Runt won 2023 CBCA Book of the Year for Younger Readers.

'You don't have to carry the weight of the world in your tool belt.'

Runt is a heart-warming and very funny tale which exemplifies kindness and friendship, while hurdles, hoops, and see-saws are put in place to serve as impediments to the dog’s competitions, as well as the family’s survival. 

I listened to the story after borrowing it from Libraries SA, using LIBBY.

An interview with Craig Silvey can be found here. And a film of the book will be on screens in 2024.

Themes: Family, Drought, Small towns, Farms, Dogs, Competition, London.

Fran Knight