Ratbags: Midnight mischief by Tim Harris and Shiloh Gordon

Just when Jigsaw thought everything was going well, he finds himself in trouble again! But what could he possibly have done wrong this time?
Midnight Mischief is the second book in the Ratbag series. Expertly created by Australia’s popular author, Tim Harris and talented illustrator, Shiloh Gordon this book is sure to entertain. Once again, with such a fast-paced storyline, you feel as if you are running just to keep up with those rascals!
The rats are in an uproar because they are infamously in the paper for all the wrong reasons. Ever since Jigsaw made that amazing pizza, rats are seen as the good guys. But this can not be! The rats don’t want humans to actually like them because then they may be kept as pets. Humans are the enemy, and rats must fight back to get back in the humans’ bad books.
So, when a prize is offered to the rat who can get themselves onto the front page of the local newspaper, can Jigsaw rectify his wrongs with the help of Pickles and Onion, or will they be banished forever?
A radically cool short fiction novel that is filled with an abundance of humorous, black and white cartoon pictures, speech text and action. In a style, mixed between a graphic novel and standard novel, this book targets a wide audience and will appeal to many. Containing short chapters, large print and a really cool layout, this is a great story for all ages.
If you love a little bit of fun and adventure, at a fast-past speed, then this novel will undoubtedly meet your entertainment level. Tim Harris and Shiloh Gordon are masters at their craft, and always knows how to keep their readers engaged to the very end.
Themes: Friendship, Problem solving, Teamwork, Humour.
Michelle O'Connell