Prometheus High: The books of the dead by Stuart Wilson

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Athena and her bunk mate, Marceline are on a mission to uncover Marceline's past - though their plans seem to be risky and teeter on getting them expelled - or killed. As if starting their new semester on a zeppelin wasn't dangerous enough, they start the term with robbing the library. Back on the ground. Nothing serious, just taking 'The Book of Creators'. A slightly contentious text. Making it back to the floating airship with seconds to spare, the pair go about attempting to uncover the secrets of the book. With the occasional help of their friend Godfrey, they learn more about the book(s), themselves and Ancient Egypt, through the course content and Professors lectures. 

The second in the Prometheus High series, The Books of the Dead is told from different perspectives, more so than the first book, which really gives a nice variety and roundness to the story. With a wide variety of characters - from fellow students to teachers, or 'creators', there are many characters to keep readers interested. Evenly paced, the novel reads quickly as it is well written. After learning a secret about Athena's bunk mate at the end of book one, Athena, and readers, are intrigued and want to learn more. Plenty of humourous questionable moral actions occur, plenty of action and adventure fill the book. A new kind of Frankenstein mixed with magic akin to the Skulduggery Pleasant series, this series may appeal to fans of these or for those interested in a quirky story. A must read for those who started the journey with the first book.

Themes: Science Fiction; Fantasy; Contemporary; Adventure; Experiments; High School; Relationships; Monsters; Egypt; Mummies.

Melanie Pages