Piggy: Let's be friends by Trevor Lai

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Bloomsbury, 2018. ISBN 9781681190686
(Age: 3-6) Recommended. Animals, Friendship, Cooking. Piglet sees a mole in his garden, but just as he is about to become friends with the animal, it burrows underground and gets away. Piglet loves making friends, he also loves reading and having tea parties with his friends, and another friend is always welcome.
Mole likes reading too, and he bakes cakes, but is very shy and when he is nervous he sneezes. One day, Piglet makes a tea party and invites Mole. Mole bakes a lovely cake but bringing it into the garden, he becomes shy and sneezes, sending the cake into the air, landing on his head. Before anyone can help, he scurries down into his hole, embarrassed. Piggy and his friends decide what to do to make him overcome his shyness and be friendly with the rest of the group, and the story ends neatly as it becomes smiles all around.
This is a nicely told story of inclusivity, of helping out those who are in need of friends, of including everyone in what is happening. It would make a cute introductory story to talk about friendships and friendship groups in the class, encouraging everyone to be inclusive. Piggy's huge glasses will certainly intrigue younger children, and the baking of cakes throughout is an extra treat for the eyes.
Fran Knight