Penny draws a class trip by Sara Shepard

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Penny Lowry is in Grade 5 and is sometimes troubled by anxious thoughts. When her class gets given an opportunity to visit New York, she manages to swallow most of her fears to experience the Big Apple. But first she has to deal with a friendship dilemma with her former friend Violet, who has been made her trip buddy.  Learning how to work together with her classmates and overcome her own uncertainties reveals that Penny is learning strategies that reveal a potential for leadership and for helping others.

This is a charming story, told through ‘letters’ to Penny’s pet dog, and illustrated with short graphic-novel style comic strips. With pre-teen issues and solutions for friendship and anxiety concerns, this is a light but warm story. It has occasional funny moments, but it is mostly a gentle child-friendly story set on a school trip in a recognisable USA location. This is Book 4 in the series, and it is good to meet a central character who must overcome her personal issues in psychologically healthy ways.

Recommended for readers aged 9-11.

Themes: Anxiety, New York, Friendship.

Carolyn Hull