Our dreaming by Kirli Saunders. Illus. by Dub Leffler

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Two echidnas are walking together, the older one telling the younger one stories as they go. They keep their Dreaming alive in their mother tongue, by talking with each other, sharing stories of the land and what it means.

Through the story, Language is used which provokes the children to think about what the word may mean by its context, and which can be checked using the glossary at the end.

Our Dreaming tells us about creation, sacred sites, how the spirits guide, it reminds people where they belong. Timeless, it is kept alive when the Dreaming is shared with others, yarning.Their environment and animals are known to the people, and stories about them are incorporated into their story. When the environment and living creatures are protected it helps us all. Sharing is a big part of the Dreaming, a word which incorporates the past, present and future. Dreaming incorporates the past with stepping stones which point the way forward.

The illustrations are superb, Dub Leffler’s style will engage the readers, as they follow the echidnas on their journey which takes them through forested area, desert, past a lyre bird’s nest, over a log where they watch dragonflies, past a bottlebrush bush with a honeyeater sipping the nectar. All are part of the environment which is held dear, not only now but into the future.

A reading by Kirti Saunders can be accessed hereThis lovely reading of the story speaks the Language words used in the text, showing children how to say these words. Land, culture and the lore are all part of the Dreaming, and we must work and walk together to ensure that all is protected for those who come after us.

The unusual font may put off less capable readers and so extra help may need to be given.

Themes: Environment, Dreaming, Aboriginal stories, Echidnas, Australian animals.

Fran Knight