Once more upon a time by Roshani Chokshi

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I am a fan of retellings of fairy tales and was immediately drawn to this slim hard back novella, a story about a princess named Imelda and a prince named Ambrose, who are married for a day and a night. Imelda is poisoned and the only way she can be saved is by forfeiting their love. Then a meeting with the witch who have cursed them, gives them the opportunity to regain that love. Facing many adventures including a beaver, strange landscapes, cannibals and a wicked fairy, the pair begin to get to know each other again.

A short book, Once more upon a time was just what I needed to get out of a reading slump as well as leaving me feeling happy and relaxed. The introduction of a talking cloak that thinks he is a horse adds many laugh aloud moments with his sharp and witty dialogue. The struggles that both Ambrose and Imelda face as their feelings grow give a contemporary feel to the fairy tale. Imelda does not want to be tied down. As one of The Twelve Dancing Princesses she has faced that with the magic slippers that her father had made them wear, and she wants to be free without the obligation of love. Ambrose, the middle brother, must learn to trust love, after being disappointed by his family.

This was a feel-good story, yet with enough adventure and danger to keep me glued to the page as Imelda and Ambrose strove to gain the potion that the witch demanded. There are many small gems of wisdom for the reader to ponder, including in the Epilogue: 'The king and queen did not live happily, but hopefully, ever after.'

Themes: Fariy tale retelling, Love.

Pat Pledger