Old School by Jeff Kinney

Diary of a Wimpy Kid bk 10. Puffin, 2015. ISBN 9780143309000
(Age: 9+) Recommended. Jeff Kinney's popular series returns for its
tenth instalment in Old School - Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
Faithful to the familiar format, Greg Heffley chronicles the ups and
downs, the dramas and difficulties of his everyday existence. Each
page contains hand-written notes on lined paper and quirky cartoon
illustrations that highlight his dilemmas. Loved by millions of fans
around the world, this series has engaged and motivated reluctant
readers and high-interest low-reading age students.
Wimpy Kid Greg Heffley's home life continues to be chaotic:
Grandpa's moved back from the retirement home - owing to financial
concerns - and taken over his bedroom; toddler brother Manny's
toilet training involves no pants after dinner and Mum and Dad are
always reminiscing about times past without technology. Even their
pet pig now wears shorts, walks on his hind legs and has taken over
the spare room, and it has more freedom than Greg does. Dad stresses
over the costs involved in running the household and Rodrick is told
to find a job to pay for petrol money. Rodrick's job as the mascot
for the Old-Timey Ice Cream Parlour leads to some funny incidents.
Mum's cleanup day at the park on No Technology weekend, involves
lemonade stand competitions, Girl Scouts taking charge a group of
teenagers and Community Service teenagers issues.
Greg is happy to return to Middle School, where he signs up to be a
Homework Buddy and help a third-grader named Frew. However,
super-smart Frew takes over and completes all of Greg's homework
instead. The class trip to Hardscrabble Farm for a back to basics
week, test Greg and his best friend Rowley's abilities. No showers,
no deodorant, a fish in the toilet and a final night's adventure
sleeping in a shelter in the woods, provide some of the best and
funniest moments.
Rhyllis Bignell