Egg by Clare Atkins and Harrison Vial

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A very funny story of difference is told through the inhabitants of an island of eggs. This island is bleak without trees or shade, but the eggs can remember stories of what it was once like. They look seriously at the newcomer commenting on his similarities and differences. He looks like them but is different. Suspiciously they suggest that he go back to where he came from. They discuss whether he can float or not, whether he is a viable egg, and conclude that although they don’t want him there, they cannot force him to leave. Eventually they build a high wall and confine him to the end of the island. But he climbs up the wall, offering his shade to one of the eggs below. The shaded egg becomes friendly with the little egg and his tears fall to the ground and sprout a tree. The tree attracts some birds and it offers shade to the eggs below who now look at the little egg with feelings of friendship.

This multi layered story has overtones of acceptance and diversity. It touches on themes of multiculturalism and inclusion, refugees and kindness and includes comments about climate change as well. The book would be a worthy discussion starter, offering children a simply told story of welcoming. Younger readers will love following the egg as it lands on the shore, quietly listening to all the discussion about its appearance, then confined behind a wall, offering friendship.

Harrison Vial, an Adelaide based illustrator, uses fine pen and digital colouring techniques to create his art work. More about him can be found here, while author, Clare Atkins has a fascinating web site showcasing the variety of work she does. Teacher's notes are available.

Themes: Environment, Refugees, Difference, Inclusion, Friendship, Diversity, Multiculturalism.

Fran Knight